Wednesday, April 29, 2015

crompton coffee

Isn't it nice when we peel back the BS and only have what is essential to happiness / central purpose? It's the reason I have thrown out most of my wardrobe, have failed to replenish it, and now have exactly 7 outfits from circa 2012 which I have on rotation. It's liberating, really. It gives me the head space to dream and feel the peace of not giving a single fffff -

Crompton Coffee is the same. No BS. They're about toast. They do really nice toast, with 8 good seasonal toppings. And coffee. And muesli. And that's IT. No kale, salmon, variations to put shit on the side (wherefore? So your food "doesn't touch each other?" What the hell is that about?)

The interiors are stripped back minimalist, a good space for thinking.

We ordered the spiced avocado and the ham with lettuce and glace fruit. The toast is thickly sliced, warm and perfectly crunchy. The toppings have a great balanced flavour and you can taste the thought behind them.

When it's raining on a Saturday and you want to hibernate away from the BS of everything, come here for something comforting and familiar, with a chic twist.

Crompton Coffee
380 Victoria Street

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